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Team 'W.A.I.T'

Good evening all!

It's a Friday evening and I've finally sat down for a cup of tea. I'd been tasked with a job a few weeks prior - set up a blog for Team 'W.A.I.T'

So, what is W.A.I.T? What does is stand for? Here it is:

Whetstone Albania Insight Team - W.A.I.T!

What is the team all about?

We're a small group of 5 people from a Baptist Church in the lovely Leicestershire village of Whetstone. The 5 of us have volunteered to join a 'BMS' (Baptist Mission Support) trip to Albania, to join our family in Christ and see what wonderful work is happening at a community outreach centre called Tek Ura, as well as a visit to the International School and to spend some time with the people of Tirana. We are an 'Insight' team and that is exactly what we're doing - gaining insight into life there and an insight into the work that is being done for the local communities.

The team will be introduced, photos and all, in a short while. The blog will be updated to keep our Church family and friends updated on our progress, needs and prayers for before the trip, during the trip, and I hope after the trip too! Keep an eye out for new posts, prayer requests, updates and more on this blog - Team W.A.I.T.

Thanks for reading!

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