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  • Writer's pictureW.A.I.T



There isn't much to update today, we did not have any opportunities to take photos. But I can tell you what we got up to!

Starting off with a trip into the centre for some time together looking at the typical Albanian-made souvenirs and a peak at the market, before meeting at the Stephen Centre where we would all meet Mat and the other 2 directors of Tek Ura.

Pic of the Market was all we got today folks!

However after our lunch where we all shared our experiences and vision, we went to Tek Ura.

At Tek Ura, Mick and Nick decided to go on the community walk (with two members of Tek Ura staff) and they did a home visit to a lady. Sue and Max shared some time in the Physio room and Becky joined in an English class with the older children (age range 8-14). After that, the three ladies stayed for the Ladies Group while the men went back to the accomodation. At the ladies group, there was time for fellowship, some pizza and a Bible story (which was on Jesus feeding the five thousand!)

Although the blog isn't used to dig deeper into what we have seen and done, it does scratch the surface and we have had many deep discussions, often in the evenings, voicing the messages we are getting from our time here. it has raised some very meaningful discussions with one another. God has a plan. As he always does! It's been wonderful learning and discovering more and more about the ins and outs here, we all said we wanted to be "changed" in a sense by coming. We are still learning as the week goes on too!

Tomorrow, we are spending the entire day at Tek Ura. Each member of the team will have opportunities in either a community walk, English class, Parenting group and the Physio sessions. We hope that it will be a really insightful day and a powerful day as it's our last Tek Ura day! Thanks for those reading and keeping up-to-date with our travels!

God Bless,


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