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Wow it's September


Welcome to the W.A.I.T blog if you're new and welcome back if not! This is going to be a very quick update as not much has changed since the last post, but I wanted to ensure we kept everyone in the loop at all times! Can you believe it is now September!? Time is flying!

We had a team meeting on the Thursday just gone, and we learnt some more Albanian! It has been a blessing to have the wonderful Sue and Gary Anderson attending our meetings to give us a 30 minute class on language and culture.

Here's some fun facts:

Did you know that when Albanian's say "no" they nod and when they say "yes" they shake their head - the complete opposite of us! Do you think we are going to struggle with that one? (I do!) It's also common for Albanian's to "tut" as well as saying "no" and wagging their finger at you, but it is not considered rude, but absolutely normal!

At our meeting we discussed the flight issue mentioned in the previous blog, no update as of yet but I am sure we will hear very soon. Accommodation is all fully booked and paid for so the team will need to sort out funds for this shortly.

We have also had someone say they would be willing to drive the team to and from the airport, in what vehicle we are not sure yet, but what a blessing to the team for such a wonderful gesture and act of kindness. As I said before, we want you ALL to feel a part of the team, it is not just the five of us, but so many people working and praying behind the scenes to ensure we have a smooth 10 day trip.

The Mascot we mentioned in the previous blog will also be chosen very soon. One of the team's daughter's will be picking a teddy bear to join us BUT we want YOU and the children to help us name it! I am hoping we could announce this in church or post in the notices to get the children involved and inspire their wonder for the world and missionary work (and teddies!)

We also finally have a team photo! However, I have asked the team to send me a short paragraph about themselves (with a fun fact!) so when I have these paragraphs I will be updating the "Meet the Team" page so that you can all put names to faces.

Continued prayer for fundraising, awareness of the mission's trip, that the team would remain full of the Holy Spirit and enjoy every step, and for continued smooth processing would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you all,

God Bless.


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